Sunday, July 26, 2015


Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year.

This is Digital Arts 1 and I'm your overlord.....I mean teacher, Mr. Wood. On this page, you'll find the assignments we'll do each section on the left. On the top, you'll find our weekly routine and helpful links as well as the readings. In this class, you will learn how to use Photoshop and illustrator from the beginning to a somewhat advanced level. Both programs are huge and I can't teach you everything. Somethings you'll have to learn on your own and there will be time to do that. With that said, Let me break down the way this class is going to flow.

Supplies required for this course:
- Flash Drive - You can perches these at Walmart for relatively cheap. It should be no smaller than a 4gig. This will allow you to not only save everything you do in this class but in all other classes.
- Sketchbook/Notebook - Either or will work just fine. You will need this for your planing in the class, recording the quotes of the day and any other hard copy writing we may do.
- Headphones - you will need these for any videos we may watch, tutorials, music and any other audio activity. Even though i do have some, It is best you bring your own. Renting headphones out from me will be covered later.
- Pencil or Pen - I will not lend these out, you need to have an implement of mass destruction...i mean writing utensil.

This is something every class has, but we'll have long assignments. The grading periods are every 6 weeks. That means we have 18 week long semesters so we will have 3 major assignments per semester. that's a total of 6 major assignments over the entire year. Each assignment will have 2 to 4 projects in it. The assignment break down is as followed.
- Learning the new tools/concepts (You will have exploration time to do this as well. I'm a strong believer in learning by exploring and playing)
- Project will be given. ( This will happen in either the 2nd or 3rd week of the assignment period)
- Proposal. (The district demands you write and the art world will make you write. We will go over the proposals later)
- Project/Work days (You will typically be given 2 to 3 weeks to work on your major projects. I will not give you extra time. Part of being a digital artist/designer is deadlines.)
- Artist Statement. (More writing, but these are easy. You will have to work on time management to get this done. I will be asking for these to be turned in. I want all of them in hard(copy. This allows you to  hand write it or print it [printed is preferred])
- Critique. (A dreaded word in the art world. most student (circumstances permitting) will have time to talk about their art in front of the class and answer questions. They will hear what people think about the art. It sounds scary, but it's not once you get use to it. This will  happen on week 6. There will be a sign up sheet for this. Each student will have to do at least 1 this year. some might go twice because i will pick 1 to 2 students i want to talk  about. There are other activities we will might use to do critiques a bit faster or more interactive, there is a grade attached to this. so participate
- Testing. (Each section will not have a test, but if it does. it will always be on a Monday. This way i can get grades in for week 6. There will be 2 major test this year. Midterms and Finals. for some sections might have small test.)

Easy right? Lets move on.

Quote of the Day:
The quote of the day is an activity we will do every other day. This year it will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These activities are designed to force you to think about yourself, aspects of your life. our community, country, world, and issues we might have. It will also help get the creative juices flowing.
Everyone is required to participate in this. Depending on the mentality of the class depends on how we will do this. We will either use a website where people can post their response. Your name and Period will be required with your response. There will be a grade attached to this. This is one of those grades that will make or break your grades so speak up.

I want you to keep in mind that you are in a class with many people with different views and come from different backgrounds and walks of life. Sometimes these might lead to controversial topics or subjects. Do your best not to be offended. If the topic that comes up does offend you. Please notify me and I will move you into my office until discussion has concluded.

Mondays will be reserved for Dear Jeremy letters or a short reading and response assignment. Once again, there is a grade attached to this.

Tutorials is where you can recap any of the tools we went through. I want you to keep in mind both programs are massive and there are many ways to do one thing. Many of the tutorials might show you a different way from the way I taught you to do it. so use these if you don't understand what i taught.

In addition, I will have a classroom set of books for Photoshop that you can refer back to. We will not use these books as our primary learning source. These books are not written for education, but to be a reference.

I also want you to keep in mind that we are in a computer class. You are surrounded by 32 computers, you are learning on a computer, you have a computer in front of you. Use it as a resource if you do not understand something. I or any of your teachers will always be there. Be productive enough to seek out the answer for yourself at times, but don't be scared to ask me for assistance. That is why i am here.

Artist Section
The Artist section will have a few artist that we will discuss or examine during class. this section will grow as assignments are given. Go to this section for inspiration once in a while. If there is an artist you'd like added to this section, Notify me and i will do my best to get them added. Due to the URL blocking of APS, some artist i will not be able to display publicly.

Student Work
Student Work. Each period will have their own link where we can view each others work. it is important to share your work with your classmates. You never know who might inspire you or who you might inspire. There is a special method of getting these up and i will need your help doing this, we will go over this in class as you learn how to use the programs.

Lastly the rules of the classroom.

First and foremost, this class is a community. Like what we all live in and the art world in itself. This is a community. and the number one rule we have is
If one of us falls, we all fall. (that includes your teacher). What this means if someone breaks a rule,there is a high chance the entire class will suffer from it. But if someone rises or does something great. we will all celebrate. Community is key to the arts. so lets get to the rules

- The class is a community
- During discussion, if someone is talking, everyone is paying attention. (If a student is talking. the teacher is paying attention. I am not above this rule). This means you will not be surfing the web, Playing on your phone or having side discussions.
- The Computer is your tool. respect it and remember you share the computer with 5 other people maybe more. DO NOT draw on the computer, keyboard or mouse. Do not slam or flip the equipment. Breaking this rule will result in 1 of the following punishments depending on the extent and number of offenses. I will check each and every computer at the end of ever class. "I didn't do it" will  not work. ~ Loss of computer usage for a week.
~Loss of other privileges. Losses like, but not limited to, Phone usage, listening to music
~ Sent to ISS and/or written up. (I will check with the ISS office. if you did not show up, I will write you up twice, one for not showing and one for the reason you were sent in the first place.
- Music is a privilege, not a right. You will need to bring your own headphones. If you do not have headphones, you can't listen to music through the computer speakers (I will have to listen to mine through the speakers so i can stay attentive to the class). Your music shouldn't be so loud that the person next to you can hear it. Music privileges will be granted after the class has earned it.This is not a Day One privilege.
- Listen during instruction time. This is an important one. You are all emerging adults and i will treat   you as such. If you miss on something because you weren't listening, goofing off or absent, that is now your problem. I will not repeat myself. If i see you are struggling with something, i will help, you may also ask, but i will ridacule you for not listening if that is why i am helping.
- Be Respectful. In other words, don't be a jerk. One person can bring down the whole class. Don't be THAT guy or girl. There are ways to say things with out being a negative person. Learn how to use some tact.
- Behavior and Conduct - There will be no rough housing. wrestling, foul mouthed arguments (it is not limited to just these). There will be punishment for any of these or anything outside the rules of the class.
~Loss of computer usage for a week.
~Loss of other privileges. Losses like, but not limited to, Phone usage, listening to music
~Sent to ISS and/or written up. (I will check with the ISS office. if you did not show up, I will write you up twice, one for not showing and one for the reason you were sent in the first place.

Equipment Rentals:
I do have a limited amount of Studio Quality headphones and some drawing tablets. I will rent these out to students for that class. You may not take them home with you. I will need your ID for the equipment and you will sign the equipment out and in. If you do not have your ID, you cannot rent equipment out
- Seating. For the most part, I will allow you to sit where you wish (with the exception of the back 4 computers.) I reserve the right to move you at any time in the year for any reason.

We are almost done. Just a few more things to cover

This is a huge grade, much like participation. This will work in the following manner.
- You will have 1 point for each day of the grading period. If you miss a day, You loss a point.
- If you are tardy for 2 days, you will lose a point
- If it is a family emergency, You must contact the school and let them know what is going on. You must contact me as well (via email or phone call) and let me know. I will let family emergencies slide
- I will not allow vacations to slide. You and your family made the choice. To go on vacation. These will not be let go and the time you have to finish your project will not be extended. I do not accept late work (some cases we can talk out, but i promise you that 90% of reasons will not be accepted)

Parent Contact:
I will be contact each student's parent at least once every grading period. This will be by phone or email. There will be a parent contact form each student/parent will need to fill out.

I believe that is is. So, Lets have some fun!

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