Story Board

Assignment 2
Story Board
You will hand drawn a story board. This story board can be of your comic strip or you can do something completely different. Drawings can be crud, but may not be stick figures. To complete this assignment you will need to do.
-        A story board with 12 Frames
-        All must be drawn
-        Crud drawing are ok, no stick figures however.

This is a smaller assignment, but will impact your grade so be sure to complete this to some extent.

Story Board - 10 pts
Characters were drawn out
Characters were stick figures, but were not labeled so we were unable to tell who was who.
There was no way to tell which character was which.
Backgrounds were there in every frame
Some frames had backgrounds. Some didn’t
There were no backgrounds
Frames completed
12 or more frames
5 to 9 frames
4 or less frames
Student understood what a storyboard is and did not confuse it with a comic.
Scene descriptions were on the bottom of each frame
Elements of a storyboard, but was mostly a comic.
Some frames had scene descriptions
Student drew a comic strip. There were no scene descriptions
Arrows and camera movements
Clearly understanding of how arrows who camera movement as well as character movement.
There were arrows, but they were pointing to at each frame and not explaining what the camera or characters were doing.
No arrows, camera movement or character movement.

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