Broadcast Graphic Assignment.

Broadcast graphics Template

You will learn about News Cast Graphics. The graphics we will cover are Lower 3rds, OTS, Information Full Screen and Monitor. You will do three of these graphics, a OTS, Information Full screen and 1 monitor graphic. This will be graded on a done or not done basis as we will continue to do graphics like this throughout the semester.
Requirements to complete the assignment.
-        Make 1 OTS graphic
-        Make 1 Information Full-Screen graphic
-     Make 1 Monitor graphic
-     Make 1 Lower 3rd

Note: This project can help you accelerate your current event project

12 total points
OTS Graphic
Student created an OTS that felt professional and ready for a real news cast
Student created an OTS that was able to give us a just of the story through the picture and title
Student created an OTS, but it was not clear
Student did not do OTS Graphic.
Information Full Screen
Student created an Fullscreen that felt professional and ready for a real news cast
Student created a well formatted full screen with important information on it
Student created a full screen, but I was not clear
Student did not do Full Screen graphic
Monitor on given Subject
Student created an Monitor that felt professional and ready for a real news cast
Student created a Monitor that was clear
Student created a monitor but it was not clear
Student did not create a monitor
Lower 3rd
Student created an Lower 3rd that felt professional and ready for a real news cast
Student formated the lower 3rd well and the wording felt professional
Student’s wording needed help and the formating was a bit off
Student did not create a lower 3rd

Max points – 12

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